Mama Mastermind

2 Month mastermind/program hybrid for the CEO mamas ready to step into the strategy and frequency of being rich in all areas of life.

Rich in love. Rich in money. Rich in time. Rich in family.

This mastermind was created for the Mama who wants it all.

It’s time to deconstruct the old belief systems around what it looks like to be a mother and a CEO. 

It’s time to step into a new paradigm of receiving your desires. 

This isn’t just a mastermind, but a frequency upgrade with trainings and practices that you can tap into for life as you simultaneously grow your business, your bank account and your family. 


You can access over 12+ hours of trainings, meditations and practices by purchasing the replays.


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You are receiving money, receiving support, receiving intimacy, receiving clients. So many mothers especially have been programmed to give, give, give which quickly adds up to burn out and resentment. Imagine opening up to receiving and holding MORE free of guilt!

You no longer take action from a place of hustle and grind, but alignment from your heart and womb 

Your nervous system is regulated and calm as you effortlessly meet your energetic and financial baseline

Your self care and pleasure is prioritized, your kids have quality time with you, your relationship get’s better and better ALL the time

You have an intimate community of “Momprenuers” that elevate you, support you, and know the ins and outs of the portals you walk through

You have a newfound confidence in how you show up, how you sell, how you share your full truth and the standards you hold for yourself and your life 



Let's face it... Mamas in business are just meant to do things differently.

One moment we're crawling on the floor playing with toy trucks, changing diapers, and gathering snacks for our little humans... And the next we're on a zoom call holding space for another woman to step into her next evolution.

I honestly remember feeling a bit resentful toward my coach who had zero responsibilities other than growing her business and doing what she wanted when she wanted. If you’re a mom reading this then I know you’ve likely had this feeling at one time or another. 

I had to take a look in the mirror and remember that THIS is what I wanted. Heck this is what I dreamed of! Life is full when you have children, YES, but it makes it that much more RICH. 

I’ve since completely flipped the narrative around what it means to be a mother running a successful biz. I started to surround myself with the mentors and women who would act as expanders for me…women that are mothers AND breadwinners. 

I prioritized implementing the business model and structures that would allow me more time freedom to also be a hands on mom. 

I learned how to have my energy and magnetism do more of the heavy lifting for me so that I didn’t have to DO so much.

I learned to release the need for perfection, tap into pleasure and creativity and let this very full life be fun!

I started to become unavailable for anything less than money always flowing in, high level clients showing up in the DMs, spending quality time with my family, maintaining a level of deep intimacy with my partner…because it all matters!  




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You know deep down you are meant for more. You know that you’re capable of being an amazing mother AND build an epic brand and business. 


You’re done with the hustle, the burnout and overcompensating. You’re ready to step into more ease and flow baby!


You’re craving a sense of calm and stability in your nervous system as you balance the many facets of your life. You may be ready to make your first hire and open up to receiving more support.


You’re done flying by the seat of your pants in your business and you’re ready to implement more structure and sustainability.


You know that being a feminine CEO isn’t just structures and strategy, but being tapped into your deepest desires & pleasure.


You’re ready to be an energetic match for overflow with money, clients, love and miracles. 

What You Get

What You Receive:

  • 8 Weeks of potent masterminding with other CEO mamas
  • 8 x Weekly LIVE Trainings & Hot Seat Coaching Calls
  • 24/7 Voice and text support through Voxer from myself and the sisterhood for all the questions on your heart
  • An intimate community of mothers to collaborate and hold each other through the expansion to new levels (priceless)
  • Lifetime access to the content library where all of our teachings and transmissions will live
  • Plus access to other secret bonuses to be announced upon joining 😉

Just a taste of what we'll dive into...

Stacking recurring and passive revenue so that any new sales or "big launches" are just extra on top of an already abundant baseline

Nervous system capacity and pleasure expansion to increase your threshold for MORE money, love, etc

Making the most of your time as a busy mama with time hacks, tighter boundaries, and cleaning up energy

Implementing back end structures, systems & support

Putting an end to burn out once and for all & stepping into feminine receiving, ease and flow

Owning your magic and unapologetic sales

Balancing motherhood and business (holding it all!)

Reclaiming your sexuality, owning your desires, & holding your power around big money

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Your Coach

Hi Beautiful Mama

I’m Angela Devon Dodsworth

A 2/4 Generator, Cancer Sun, Leo Moon & Libra Rising

I’m a Trauma-informed Business, Leadership & Intimacy mentor with a passion for helping women heal and become magnetic and wealthy AF

It’s my mission to support you in making money by being YOU and dialing up who you are

Fully owning your sensuality, sovereignty and message in the world

Slaying any last bit of doubt and shame so you can embody the worthy queen that you are

I love to blend energetics, healing and strategy into my work for a potent combination

I’m also a fiancé to the love of my life and mama of two beautiful kiddos under 3!


"There was a time when I thought that running a business as a mother worked against me and now I wholeheartedly know that it is my superpower."



“I am so grateful for Angela and for guiding me through wounds I struggled to face for a very long time. Angela helped me shift into alignment in just a matter of weeks and break through blocks around my self image. She helped give me the confidence to show up online beyond the text form. I’m now creating my signature program and calling in aligned clients. I’m walking away from this experience with a whole lot of soul expansion that I wasn’t even expecting!”

~ Kelly Louise, Healer & Coach​


“Working with Angela has absolutely changed my life. She is such an amazing coach and has been such a support for me along my business journey. She has helped me with everything from the spirituality and energetics behind business to the tangible strategy like launching, getting clients, & the vision. She embodies the elements of both the masculine and feminine way of doing business. She has a sweet, fun, loving side, but will also hold you accountable to make sure you get the work done. Working with her has exponentially helped my business grow and took it to the next level.”

~ Dria Laredo, Digital Artist & Branding Expert


“I knew within the first session that I had made the right decision & now going through LBA and the Mentorship with
Angela, I can wholeheartedly say that this has been probably the best investment that I’ve ever made in myself. Angela is the type of coach that will deliver ten fold, whatever it is that you’re needing & she delivers things that you might not even know that you need. From a very tangible stand point, I have had more clients in this past month, than I have had this whole year. So my income is now becoming consistent and I tie all of that back to my work with Angela”

~ Tricia Fishbune, Mindset Coach & Hypnotherapist ​


“I want to thank you soooo much for LBA and for believing in me and my medicine. I can really see now how beneficial both programs were. I launched the Brown Girls Blueprint to Emotional Wellness and 13 women signed up. Wow!!!!”

~ Nia Nyree, Spiritual Coach & Healer​


“Through Angela’s guidance, I was able to turn my ideas into a tangible business. I’ve had more exposure and business opportunities, including being featured as a guest on a podcast. I have grown so much personally and as a business woman. If you are on the fence, it is so worth it!”

~ Khepera Smith, Herbalist, Vegan Chef & Healer


“I have embodied a whole new version of myself. I have created a sisterhood that is so special and I will forever cherish. I am in total alignment and fulfilling my soul’s purpose, serving for the highest good everyday. I am a business woman, which I never thought that I would hear myself say, and I am so excited about all my business visions moving forward because I believe in them and I believe in myself. Angela is brilliant, she is packed full of knowledge and leaves nothing on the table. She gives everything she promises and then some.”

~ Amy Jantz, Coach & Healer​


This is the Mastermind where you can finally be SEEN and supported as the mother that you are while also being activated to rise into the woman you are becoming

Access the replays now or get on the waitlist for our next live round!

Payment plans available at checkout or DM me on insta @angdevon for more details

This mastermind isn’t based on levels. The only prerequisite is that you be a mother and that you either have a current business or are starting a business. If you are just starting your business I recommend getting the bundle with Lightworker Biz Academy here. This way you have access to all the information you need! The Mama Mastermind is the support and experience that I wish I had from the beginning. 

Most likely, YES. However the investment will likely rise for the future rounds. Now would be a great time to hop in!

I love creating more intimate spaces for people to land so this mastermind will be on the more intimate side with more attention on you, your business and whatever it is you may be moving through. I personally will be dropping into the Voxer chat to answer your questions 3x per week between our calls where you will also receive guidance and support. That being said, this round will not include 1:1 calls unless you upgrade to receive 1:1 support.  Please email for more details. 

This mastermind and program is super well rounded and balanced with energetics, business strategy, self care, life hacks, etc. I would say about half of the trainings will have business strategy with the option to discuss it even more in Voxer or on the calls as needed. It’s actually the energetic and mindset components that can have the most impact! 

But if you do desire even more business strategy you can always sign up for the bundle with LBA. 

To this I would say, trust your gut and your true desire. If you desire to be in this space then you deserve to be here. One of the major themes of this mastermind is removing any “settling” and playing small energy because we get to have it all…and it is not always logical!

If you have any other questions just DM me on insta @angdevon