The Lightworker Biz Academy

8 Week Signature Program

For the soulful coaches, the healers, the lightworkers, the creatives, & the heart-centered entrepreneurs ready to create greater income and impact

Hi Love! Welcome. This invitation is for you…

If you’ve been feeling the call to finally share your gifts with the world and you’re committed to overcoming any fears and doubts that may be holding you back. 

If you’re desiring the masculine, yet heart centered business strategy paired with the feminine energetics to make quantum leaps in not only your business, but your life. 

If you feel ready to step more fully into your role as a mentor, coach, or guide, and embody divine feminine leadership.

If you’re eager to finally take the leap from sitting on your gifts and piecing things together to going full time in your soul aligned business. 

Then I’ve got great news for you…


"Give me 8 weeks & you'll walk away with everything you need to launch and scale your profitable healing or mentorship business"





The Lightworker Biz Academy

8- Week Signature Program

"Profitable businesses in the new era are built on the foundation of leadership, energy, and strategy."

Imagine how it would feel if...

you woke up everyday to your 6 figure business, knowing that the work you do is not just paying the bills, but allowing you to be in overflow and make a true impact on other’s lives.

You woke up to DMs from dream clients and had a community of women you love to work with. You’re free to create and express yourself because your expression only amplifies your success. You feel confident in showing up, sharing from the heart, and leading your community.

You were able to position yourself as an authority in your space and you’re excited about your offers knowing that they’re divine portals of transformation.

Your vision is now backed by the strategy to take your business from ideation to reality and you have a constant flow of leads all through organic marketing with no complicated funnels, paid ads, or sleazy sales tactics.

A little bit of tough love

If you don't get the support you may...

    • Remain on the hamster wheel of downloading freebies and trying to piece things together on your own (believe me I’ve been there!) SO much growth happens when you can collapse your timeline with the help of a mentor
    • Miss out on key shifts in your branding and messaging that allow you to stand out in the online market and hone in on your X-factor
    • Feel debilitated by fear, overwhelm and the inevitable mindset blocks that can keep you from the consistency and momentum needed for true growth
    • Avoid the sales process altogether, keeping yourself small and undervaluing your gifts and services


The Lightworker Biz Academy

The Lightworker Biz Academy is a Hybrid Course & High Touch Group Coaching Program with live trainings, implementation-focused tactics, high-level support and accountability to take all the overwhelm and guesswork out of growing your profitable business

I'm ready to quantum leap in my online business

What's included inside the program:

Access to the 8 Week Business Curriculum

You’ll have lifetime access to video modules filled everything you need to launch and scale your online mentorship business. Including tons of bonus trainings to maximize your client experience, streamline your business, and align your energy.

12 Monthly Group Q&A Calls with Angela

They don’t call it an entrepreneurial rollercoaster for nothin’!  It literally is a spiritual and personal development journey. Which is why having a mentor in your corner and a group of like-minded women is such a game changer. I’ll help you strategize the next right steps in your business to keep you moving forward and the group dynamic will help to spark and inspire you to your next level. 

Private Client-Only Facebook Group

Imagine being in an exclusive community of fellow lightworkers, healers and coaches to help support you, that you can mastermind and brainstorm with. Inside the group you’ll have the opportunity to ask any burning questions that come up between coaching calls & a group of business besties that understand your big dreams. 

Weekly Assignments & Integration Opportunities

You’ll have weekly assignments and opportunities to integrate all the information further and take action on the material. Plus, If you sign up for the VIP option you’ll have even more hands on personalized support and feedback. 

Access to Guest Speaker Trainings

In addition to all the curriculum inside LBA, you’ll also have access to bonus guest speaker workshops. Some examples of past topics are Embodied Branding, Podcasting, Storytelling, Human Design, and more. Each round will be unique for that particular group. 

The Framework

Here's what we'll accomplish together in the Lightworker Biz Academy

Module 1

Mindset + Mapping The Business Vision

Learn the key mindset shifts for longterm success and start to implement practices to breakthrough and cultivate an embodied business. Map out your Vision for what’s to come as well as integrate the must-know foundations for greater impact & income. 

Module 2

Align With Your Dream Client & Next Level Branding

Learn the key to standing out and being magnetic to the people you are meant to serve. How to turn “just a hobby” into an actual business. This is the foundation for attracting soulmate clients you’re in love with. 

Module 3

Market Research & Structure Your Product Suite

Now that you’ve gotten crystal clear on your mission and who you’re serving, it’s time to refine your offerings with market research. We’ll also start to structure your product suite and ground down your ideas into tangible offers. 

Module 4

Crafting Your Signature Method

You’ll learn a step by step process for creating your signature method that will give your clients the deepest transformation possible while being a true reflection of your brand and tying in to the big picture.

Module 5

Authentic Messaging & Content Creation

You’ll learn how to warm up your audience, build authority, and stand out in the online space.

Module 6

Building an Engaged Community + Magnetic Stories

Cultivating relationships online and an engaged community is a true art form. Learn how to always find an abundance of clients while building your community. 

Module 7

Sacred & Heart Centered Sales

Dive deep into new paradigm and heart-centered sales. Everything from the energetics, pricing, structures, messaging, you name it. 

Module 8

Systems, Productivity, & Long Term Success

This final module is all about keeping yourself productive, organized, aligned and on track for long term success. 

"All of the business and healing tools have changed everything for me!"

I am so grateful we worked together. The program videos are extremely clear, you’re great at keeping things simple while also getting things done, I never felt overwhelmed because you reassured there was enough time. Everything felt very supported. I was worried in the beginning that I wouldn’t know how to move forward with business after the program, but that’s no longer a worry. I’m not only grateful for you as a mentor, but as a person that entered my life, too. I love you!!! Thank you for everything!

~ Hannah Dyer

The Lightworker Biz Academy is for you whether...

You don't have your business idea or offer nailed down yet

You don’t need a revolutionary business idea to have a successful business. What you do need is to package your expertise in a way that lands and solve a problem for your community. We’ll go through a process of outlining how to do just that.


You've already started your coaching or healing business, but have yet to hit 5k+ months

I get it and I’ve been there sister! The beautiful thing about support, accountability and business strategy is there is nothing keeping you from reaching the level of financial consistency you desire.

"After working with her I was able to land high paying clients for my program"

Working with Angela has absolutely changed my life. She is such an amazing coach and has been such a support for me along my business journey. She has helped me with everything from the spirituality and energetics behind business to the tangible strategy like launching, getting clients, & the vision. She embodies the elements of both the masculine and feminine way of doing business. She has a sweet, fun, loving side, but will also hold you accountable to make sure you get the work done. Working with her has exponentially helped my business grow and took it to the next level.

~ Dria Laredo




$277 per Month (4 months)
$ 1111 PAY IN FULL
  • Twelve monthly group Q&A coaching calls to get hands on support and accountability. Return back to them time and time again as you build your business.
  • Guest speaker trainings & workshops on topics like branding, podcasting, human design, etc.
  • Access to a private community of like-minded women for added support where you can collaborate and dive deeper into the material together.
  • Weekly video modules and homework opportunities to fully integrate and grow your business.
  • Your own designated accountability partner to help hold you high during this container. Someone you can bounce ideas off of and have as a support even after the program.

VIP Academy

$1222 per Month (4 months)
$ 4444 PAY IN FULL
  • Everything inside LBA PLUS...
  • Four personalized strategy sessions with Angela to tailer the program material for your specific needs and business.
  • One large doc review per week for personalized feedback and support.
  • Opportunity to receive support and strategy in other areas of your business outside of the program curriculum such as more complex launch strategies, podcasting, product suite development, and more.
  • Jump to the front of the 1:1 waitlist and get priority for new offerings.

Your Questions Answered!

There are numerous coaches scaling to 6 figures and beyond with a very small following. The number of followers actually has little to do with the income your business brings in. There are accounts that have a large audience, but lack the strategy, messaging and know how to monetize their profile. So if you’re feeling a bit caught up in the numbers, rest assured that you only need a handful of people who love your work to sign up for your high touch offers. 

Yes! You will have access to all coaching call replay recordings. However we do recommend you do your best to come live and fully integrate the experience with the group energy. 

LBA is a foundational business program designed to help you launch and scale your online mentorship business from ground zero. So you don’t need anything prior to working together in the academy other than your commitment. As far as trainings and certifications, you don’t NEED a certificate in coaching to be a great mentor. However if you do practice some form of healing technique, of course you’ll want to be trained in that particular modality. 

The next round of LBA will begin on June 8th, 2021 at 9am PST.

If you’re already taking on clients then that’s amazing and LBA can certainly fill in the gaps! Backing up your business vision with strategy, a scalable business model, further embodiment and momentum can allow you to really own your worth and expand even further into the success of your business. If you’ve already grown to consistent 5k+ months, then I have other offerings that may be a better fit (like the upcoming Acension Mastermind or 1:1 VIP Business Mentorship). Let’s touch base and see if these may be a great fit! 

There will allotted time on each weekly group call for questions and coaching where you can receive personalized support. You will also be paired up with an accountability partner or pod for additional accountability. However, if you desire 1:1 support, more personalized strategy, and an extra dose of momentum and feedback on your work, then upgrading to the VIP option would be best. This is where we can also work on other areas like launch strategy, your program details, launching a podcast, scaling, making your first hire and client delivery. This is where you can get higher touch support for the inner work as well such as mindset, embodiment, and leadership. 

The calls will be held via Zoom Video.

The tuition for LBA is $1997 (VIP is $2997). Payment plans are available for 3-8 months depending on your needs. 

Meet Your Mentor

HI! I'm Angela...

I help CEO Mystics, Healers, Lightworkers and Coaches own their voice and gifts through creating impactful and abundant businesses. It is my mission that the women I work with reclaim their power, slay shame, and leave a legacy beyond their lifetime. 

My own journey has been anything but “normal”. I have been an entrepreneur at heart since I was a child watching my parents run their business. I then started my own businesses right out of high school, starting with a tanning salon. After successfully selling my salon at 25, I had a thirst for more growth and developing my voice so I headed to Los Angeles to get into the acting and film industry. My own healing journey began shortly after as I learned meditation, embarked on a journey to India and studied Kundalini and other healing modalities. 

And now as I come full circle and tie my business roots to my love of healing and on-camera presence, I can say that I’m living my purpose assisting women in their own journey of entrepreneurship & leadership.

"Now that we’re at the end of LBA, I have embodied a whole new version of myself. I have created a sisterhood that is so special and I will forever cherish. I am in total alignment and fulfilling my soul’s purpose, serving for the highest good everyday. I am a business woman, which I never thought that I would hear myself say, and I am so excited about all my business visions moving forward because I believe in them and I believe in myself. Angela is brilliant, she is packed full of knowledge and leaves nothing on the table. She gives everything she promises and then some."
Amy Jantz
LBA Alumni

What would it mean for your life

...if you decided to take the leap. To quantum leap and create a profitable business doing what you love?

One thing that has hit home for me, especially over this past year is that a lot of what goes into having a “quantum leap” is truly embodying the version of yourself that has the success. Making decisions from THAT space. From the space of “I trust myself and I believe more in where I’m going than the limitations of my past.”

When you make investments as that woman, and declare that it get’s to work for you. Accepting nothing less. This is boundaries. This is embodiment. This is power. It’s what the quantum leap is made of.

When I invested in my first coach, I remember being really nervous if I could even make the payments. Within 2 months I had doubled my investment and within 4 months I 5x my investment. You know what I immediately did right after that? I turned around and invested in another coach. Because I now believe in myself and the power of receiving mentorship and being in close proximity of women that mirror where I am going. It’s not just about getting the latest strategy or trick, it’s about the energetic shifts and calibrating to that next level.

Sure sometimes up-leveling comes with fear and butterflies in your stomach. This is normal! It can also come with grief, when you have to say goodbye to an outdated version of yourself (or relationships). Growth can get sticky which is why having support in your corner is priceless. It’s not always “easy”, but it’s a beautiful thing that happens when you learn that you are worthy and capable of making a big impact. And from my experience, the greater the impact the greater the income.